
터키 스탠리 오사얀데 목사 예배당에 1,300달러가 필요합니다.

allinda 2016. 10. 4. 10:01

인도사람 아티마르 오르 목사는 터키 기르네에서 목회하다가 이탈리아로 사역지를 옮겼습니다. 터키에는 동역자 스탠리 오사얀데 목사가 100여 명이 모이는 교회를 이끌고 있었습니다. 예배당을 내어준 노인이 돌아가시면서 아들이 22,000달러를 사용료로 요구하고 있는데 교회에서는 300달러 밖에 없어 아티마르 목사에게 도움을 요청합니다. 아티마르도 300달러는 도우면서 본지에 도움을 요청해 왔습니다. 급한대로 40만원을 보내면서 이 예배당을 세우는데 여러분의 도움을 요청합니다.

기독교교육문화신문 김용현 koreanewspaper@gmail.com

Greetings Yong-Hyeon,

I send you my heart warming greetings from Italy. I have not written you very often but I have been praying for you always. We are doing very good in our church here. God willing I plan on traveling to my country India in January next year if God provides. 

Yesterday I got a message from Pastor Stanley in Turkey asking for our help. As I told you last time Stanley Osayande is from Kenya in Africa and has been in Turkey over 20 years and he now leads the church there after I was asked to leave the country. He is doing a great work there and the church is growing so well and they are blessing many migrants from Syria and Iraq in the church. In May a Turkish old man who was a member of their church gave the church a big hall with small building attached as gift. This was like a miracle to the church. Then sad enough the man died in August and he was 80 years old. He knew he was preparing to go and meet the Lord when he gave the church this big gift. But after his death his son who is a Muslim challenged the church on the gift and because the church was not given the approval papers by the late man the son took the church to court to get back the building. The building is worth $22, 000 and the church has been using it to help migrants from Syria and Iraq. Thank God at the court the church won the case but they asked the church to pay the man compensation fee of $1, 900. In Italy that will not happen but in Turkey it happens that they ask the church to pay because they are all Muslims. They asked them to pay within one month and now two weeks is reaming and they have only gathered $300 because the church there is very poor. I told my church here also a poor people church and we gathered $300. They now needs $1, 300. It is big money but nothing hard for God to do. I told Stanley yesterday that I will tell you about this. If you do not have please tell others too because that building is helping the poor people suffering so much. He said over 100 people migrants who are mostly women and children lives in it. Please help to take back this building by telling people who can help if you cannot. If they fail to meet up then they forfeit the building but God forbid because we are praying. I told him to forward me his account and he did that today so you can reach him directly and send to his account if you are helping. You  can also write him because I have not given him your email.

God bless you Hyeon for all the good work.
Atimar Oruh