미국 스포츠선수선교회 한국어린이 영어공부 도우러 온다.
미국 스포츠선수선교회(FCA) 소속 스타들이 한국어린이 영어공부 도우러 온다. 7월 23일경 입국하는 이들 스타들은 한국지역아동센터 옥경원 목사를 통해 FCA KOREA 설립을 계기로 8월초 포천에 있는 한국중앙교회수련원에서 한국 어린이 2백여명과 3박4일간의 영어캠프를 통해 봉사활동을 계획중이다.
옥경원 목사는 이 행사를 위해 8천여만원을 후원할 기독실업인을 찾고 있다.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes / www.fca.org
The Fellowship of Christian Athletes is a not-for-profit Christian organization that has been based in Kansas City, Missouri since 1956. Its national headquarters is across Interstate 70 from the Truman Sports Complex and is visible from inside Kauffman Stadium. Members are encouraged to be athletes but are not required.
Founded in 1954, FCA is the largest interdenominational school-based sports organization in the United States. An early supporter and underwriter of FCA was Major League Baseball executive Branch Rickey.
A religious organization, FCA uses the influence of coaches and athletes as a means of Christian evangelism. The group operates chapters based in schools, and operates camps, workshops and conferences. FCA currently has about 600 paid employees.
Evangelism is the teaching of Christianity, especially to people who are not Christians.